The Registrar of Companies may issue a notice to the Companies and its Directors in Form STK-1 (Removal of Names of Companies from the Registrar of Companies) if he/she holds a reasonable cause as specified above. Such a notice would inform the respective companies of the removal of its name from the record and request it to send its representatives with the requisite documents within thirty days of the issue of such notice. This process is also referred to as Compulsory removal of name from the Registrar of Companies.
Strike off on the Company’s Accord
A company may file an application to the Registrar of Companies in E-Form STK-2 after closing off its liabilities. This could be performed by passing a special resolution, which must be consented by seventy-five per cent of its members. Steps
The Holding of Board Meeting and passing resolution
Closing off Liabilities
A company desirous of a strike off must have closed off all its liabilities.